All recent code samples can be found on my github.
Legacy code samples
When I finished at MIT, my lab mates made a video of how I grew a codebase. I always found it beautiful and thoughtful - thanks to Nick DePalma for making it.
Undergraduate work
Here are some old but interesting projects I completed during my undergraduate career.
Operating System
A bootable x86 operating system I developed with my good friend Jose Falcon for my undergraduate operating systems course.
SLAM Simulator
Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) simulator designed in my graduate robotics course. Displays a map of a mobile robot's probabilistic position in its environment using a particle filter.
Language: Java
Requirements: Java Runtime Environment
Genetic Algorithm
A genetic algorithm for learning to play keepaway in the robotic soccer domain. I designed this algorithm in my undergraduate course, Autonomous Multiagent Systems.
Language: C++
Requirements: RoboCup Soccer Simulator, C++ compiler (such as gcc)
Pipelined Processor
A pipelined processor designed and implemented (using an extended version of the [LC-3]( architecture) for my undergraduate computer architecture course with Daniel Chimene.
Fun with Lambda Calculus! A monadic parser in haskell
A monadic parser, typechecker, and evaluator for a simply-typed lambda calculus augmented with booleans, natural numbers, fix-points and references.
RSA in Java
An efficient Java implementation of the RSA encryption/decription protocol.
Language: Java
Requirements: Java Runtime Environment